ManiacLachy wrote::
(FWIW, this is an Innovate LC-2, it only has a single ground wire for the heater, no sensor ground)
You probably already know my thoughts on this so I'll repeat them for those who don't:
The original Innovate LC-1 had 2x grounds, one for heating the sensor and the other for the sensor ground.
This was a good design but Innovate got tired of everyone asking how to wire their sensor and simplified the LC-2 to use one ground.
The heating using requires a lot of current to heat, which is why using the windows power wiring is often used (it's nice and thick so won't burn out).
Sharing the heater power ground with the sensor ground introduces noise to the LC-2 sensor.
I'd be wary of connecting the LC-2's ground to the ECU's "sensor ground" since it will likely affect their readings too.
Try G4, G7 or G6 of the Wiring diagram, Fig 15, Ground Distribution Circuit (FYI: Power Window Switch uses G2).