93_Clubman wrote:US O2 sensor shouldn't cause non-starting - could be the black Fuel Inj relay in the engine bay fuse box or may be the fuel pump relay under the driver side dash. But first check all the fuses are ok, especially the big fuses in the engine bay fuse box.
FWIW:93_Clubman wrote:Re: engine cranks over normally but wont start-cold:
Checked the Rod's Enthusiast's Shop Manual Troubleshooting section:
Engine cranks normally, but doesn't start:
Damp sparkplug leads;
Dampness in sparkplug wells;
Sparkplugs in poor condition;
Fuel, ignition or control system malfunction (establish that plugs are sparking & fuel is reaching engine);
Very low engine compression;
Blocked exhaust; &
No fuel.
Also checked the Haynes Troubleshooting section but it doesn't really add anymore value.
Checked the fuses all Ok.1 looks a little corroded but swapped it around with another one.
Didn't check the relay under the drivers dash.....
Will check for dampness in spark plug wells.
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