Big post here with lots of info, probably needs more pics, but Im too stupid to take pics while im doing things.
Remove the Factory ECUFirst up, the car is now running on a Megasquirt MS3Pro. It's a PNP unit from
http://www.diyautotune.comHooked into it is an Innovate LC2 wideband and I have removed the Mazda MAF.

I decided the ECU would sit nicely in the dash, where the airbag once lived. Here also lives the wideband controller, and the bluetooth adapter which I used to hook up the laptop and tablet to the ECU.
I made myself a little DB9 extender to get the blutooth adapter located in a nice neat spot

I have fettled with the basemap to get the tune much more appropriate, improved cold start and idle and its running more aggressive timing and fuel maps.
That said, no dyno time so I have no idea what power it's running.
Tablet as a DashFrom a software perspective.... its kinda 4 parts:
1. Boot up when Power connectedFirst thing required was to tell the tablet to boot up when it receives power, that way it will start up when the car is running.
This first requires the bootloader to be unlocked. (note the below process is specific to the Nexus 7 2012)
I used the instructions as per this site: ... uired.html1. Download and extract
2. Enable USB Debugging on the Nexus 7 then power off the tablet
3. Connect the tablet to your PC
4. Press and hold Power + Vol Down button until you get to the bootloader screen (with the Android logo)
5. Now open Command Prompt
6. Type 'fastboot oem unlock' and hit enter
7. Press the power button to select 'yes' on the tablet
8. To tell the tablet to boot up on power connected, type 'fastboot oem off-mode-charge 0' and hit enter.
2. Root the Tablet & Install Lollipop (Android 5)I wont go into how you do this, theres plenty of detail on the interwebs.
Basically, I just root it for my own satisfaction, in most cases theres no real need for it to be done.
This site seems to give you a nice idea on whats going on (not that i have used that page personally): ... 7-0158082/3. Automate ItCool little app that can run predefined tasks based on a set of rules.
You can find it here: ... ainPackageI am using it to:
- Launch MSDroid when the tablet boots up (when MSDroid is running, the tabled will never turn off the screen)
- Launch MSDroid when power is connected (if the tablet is already on)
- Go to the home screen when power is disconnected (i.e. when i shut the car off) (this allows the tablet to put itself to sleep)
- Power off the tablet when it is getting low on power
4. MSDroidBasically, an Android app to connect to a megasquirt ECU, and view/log/change/etc megasquirt stuff.
You can find more here, here ... om.msdroid and here, at the moment I am only using this for the data viewing purposes (no tuning, or logging, yet...)