Thanks guys - the feedback is great and really appreciated.
sailaholic wrote:Yeah I wouldn't think it would be cheap. Will removing the booster make the assembly short enough to clear the end if the manifold though? Doesn't really look like it in the photo.
I think so, but obviously after laying down $500 on this and getting it wrong, I'm even more careful about thinking what the next step should be.
sailaholic wrote:If you remove the booster you need a smaller diameter master to keep pedal pressure down.
Pressure = force / area. So with no booster the applied force is less (assuming constant pedal effort) so area needs to be less.
A smaller master though moved less fluid so you need a bigger pedal stroke to actuate the callipers which can become excessive.
Ahh yes, it will need to be a smaller diam master - so I wonder how bad the stroke would be before that becomes a problem? Would that mean I get more resolution - ie foot pedal pressure/movement is now a finer amount of brake pressure (so regulating is easier / less knife edge) ??
Magpie wrote:You could have a new base plate made up that moves the air box forward.
Nah, the problem is that the #4 trumpet is just too close to the booster and I can't swing or insert the airbox to fit. I've actually got a blank base plate so I can make it fit anyway I want, but the issue is not being able to get around the #4 trumpet. As an example, if having the trumpet at all was optional, then I'd just run without it and all would be solved.
I'm thinking about this. If I leave the master in place, and relocate all the lines to the hot side and mount a remote booster, that would work and may not cost too much. The lines last time were only a few $$ so I can't seeing this being too much of a job.
Magpie wrote:You can also change the lever point on the brake pedal to increase the lever force to compensate a small amount when you remove the booster.
I'll have a look at that - can you remember what specifically is needed - ie make the lever longer or shorter, all depends on where the fulcrum point is right? I need to get my physics hat on...!! (oh boy and I failed the master diam size quiz earlier!!)
Magpie wrote:Disconnect the vacuum line and take the car for a drive a see what it could be like. MattR will chip in and say do it (booster delete), but Sailaholic has already covered this

. I also agree that track and road driving are different animals.
I'll do this, just to at least rule this in or out (and whether I feel with a minor improvement I could live with it). I have two (2) NA6 so I can do a back to back too.
Magpie wrote:I know MX5 Plus is working on a solution to allow longer trumpets and an air box for Jenvey's, stay tuned!
Interested. Do you know more? Do tell... where is Danny?