Today me and a couple of mates started to wire tuck the engine bay. Unfortunately I didn't get any photos as we went along.
All the wires passenger side (MAF loom,Horn,Headlight loom) got relocated to the inner wing. The diagnostic port and relays were tucked inside behind the dashboard. Also removed the washer bottle (Rain-X FTW!)
Drivers side was a little bit more tricky. We managed to put the Headlight loom and the sensors on the Thermostat housing through the inner wing. The Ignition Module was moved behind the fuse box. Was hoping to relocate the fuse box etc to inside the car,but it seems the main loom for that weaves behind the engine,which would mean engine out to do it properly. So we half tucked that side,doesnt look much,but looks a lot better.
We also fed all the vacuum hoses and wires underneath the inlet manifold. Also tucked the Injector wires too so it looks abit neater.
Apologies for the photos,first time using Adobe Lightroom and still getting used to it.