speed freak wrote:015CAR wrote:It is a bug- it gets under your skin, which isnt bad considering how thick it has to be enduring all the hair dresser references...Mr freak- i too have a hair dryer on my series one NB. You are welcome to have a look over that- pending my attendance. Blew the seals on the turbo, and spent the last two weeks finding enough time to plumb in it's replacement. Sounds even fitter, it now has a rather angry sounding pigeon under t' bonnet...
Should nick name it angry bird...It's not in Tim or Charlie's league though...
Haha thats true. They are very addictive cars. Im used to all the hairdresser car comments, I used to have a 2006 suzuki swift (modified) and I used to cop those comments then. IMO the people who make these comments and judge the cars people drive either are jealous or they really dont know what a great car these are. Sounds good, hopefully you can make it, Id love to take a look. Not sure if F/I is the way I want to go as they are brilliant in stock form but it sure would make it alot more fun.
Agree and hey Rich! Just back from a cruise around Bribie Island in the 86, why is it every Nissan Skyline etc etc has to tailgate? If they're looking for the badge the '86' badges are on the sides NOT the rear! If they wanna measure the exhaust pipes I can pull over for them BUT, as one should know - 86mm!!
I came home, too many dumbos!!