NEW ENGINE!Ok so over the past 6 months, my car has slowly gotten worse and worse. It is very very slow, the engine sounds like someone shaking a glass jar full of marbles and the clutch slips like crazy. Awesome.
I have deduced, with the help of many friends and MX5 Mania, that
1) Short nose crank is wobbling, has gotten worse
2) one or more collapsed bearings
3) intermittent detonation
So I considered trying to get a long nose crank and refresh the NA6 head. But that would be boring, I wouldn't gain anything and would mean I would have to take my car off the road for several weeks while the engine was out.
So instead I decided to do something not that many people do...
Buy a 1.8L BP from a FWD Mazda Astina...
$200 from Gumtree.
The guy said it was working perfectly and the only reason they removed it from the car is because they wrote the car off.
Seemed legit.
So got it home, and well, put it in a tyre. We don't have fancy tools like engine hoists or stands haha.
So I started disassembling it, i.e. taking the Astina parts off to replace with MX5 parts.
pffffft don't need this rubbish
1st sign that maybe engine hasn't been "undercover indoors"... cam gears are full of dirt and leaves
2nd sign, pulleys, y u no shiny?
Oil is a tad black
And then my friend spikes came around and made me take off the head "Just to check its all ok"
Buys a broken engine to replace a broken engine.
So after a bit of swearing we figured everything needed to be taken apart for a full rebuild
Well its one way of stopping the crank spinning if you're trying to undo the pully
Hello little bit of piston! what are you doing there?
Im not even surprised by this point :
Working perfectly, yeah right mate.
So after ringing out quite a few places, mostly recieving the same, "pfft why are you wasting money on a stupid 4cyl mx5 what a sh*t car"
and people very confused that I wanted to do the assembling myself I just needed some machining done, I finally found a machine shop in Artarmon that would do it for me.
He still thinks im crazy though
So thats where its been for the past 3 weeks and I just picked it up.
Starting the 'putting back together' stage on saturday, with ofcourse the help of spikes