Captain Scarlet's Red NA - Install MX5 Mania CAI

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Captain Scarlet
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Captain Scarlet's Red NA - Install MX5 Mania CAI

Postby Captain Scarlet » Mon May 28, 2012 6:35 pm

here are some things I did do for installing CAI thing from crew at MX5 Mania.

First things first. I did purchase these items from the Bunnings place, and they were very pleased to be accepting my money. But they were not too expensive for the job. An Ozito drill and an arbor for the holding of a 76m hole saw that eats metal!

But first I must remove these things: Air Flow Meter,(AFM) Air box and washing bottle tank. These may be removed with little effort. I did also remove little pipe from front of air box. All of these things make breathing a chore for my little car.



First loosen clamp on pipe to AFM. Then to gently remove pipe from AFM. There is enough to be flexible to do this without hurting component.


Then remove 10mmm nuts x 4 from windscreen side of AFM. Remember to make your nuts safe. Preserve the nuts. Much grief if they should disappear Or worse someone play with them and they become dropped.


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Captain Scarlet
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Captain Scarlet's Red NA - Install Mania CAI Pt2

Postby Captain Scarlet » Mon May 28, 2012 7:01 pm

Once nuts to remove, gently lift AFM from Air Box. It does not need wire harness to be disconnected. We can move it all to one side!

Cable is long so we may send AFM to safety on fender. Careful people use fender cover. But this it did not scratch as it was only resting.
No dents or scratches for this duck !


Next we can remove air box. Use extension bar on ratchet thing to increase power of reaching. Then remove the 12mm nuts securing it to body.


Then remove Air box by lifting vertically upwards. Then out of engine bay. Now, listen. Do not discard items removed. They are handy one day. Especial for putting car to original looking if you ever did sell it

Now to final parts removal. Take out air box bracket, and also remove washing bottle, for which you disconnect wire harness and water hose. Japanese make friendly connectors just press tab to free from male from female. They will happily be apart for short time.


(This I did removing washer bottle)

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Captain Scarlet
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Captain Scarlet's Red NA - Install Mania CAI Pt3

Postby Captain Scarlet » Mon May 28, 2012 7:23 pm

Now we are happy to do things to make nice hole. It is not in firewall but into Plenum chamber. So maybe I argue with officials when they say regs word. But first we must protect engine. The reason is going to be obvious. Also wear Eye Protection Safety Glasses. Your eyes are for seeing, not for collecting metal shavings, which will fly in at least four or maybe five directions ! I did mark centre between washer bottle boltholes. but for pilot drill I use factory hole. This did cause a minor disaster as I was uncareful. That drill packs a punch !!


And here is reason for protektion. Metal everywhere. This must be cleaned out to insurance against problems in future.


I did clean ready for final solution. Is pain but worth it !


Here is CAI module sitting free and easy, to install AFM in. Remember now those nuts you did laugh about. Are they still there? You need to install AFM adaptor before mating to CAI. If no adaptor, no mating. Simple.


Here is finish almost job. A little work required still. Follow instructions to cut hole in balck plastikk cover in plenum chamber.

Now for drive. It is louder. Inside and out making bicyclistss and pedestrian gape. But do more horses appear? That is for mechanik with dyno device. But I like sound, everyone in car smiling. And my spectrum is green.

I did find seal for washer bottle pump was old and was decrepit, unable to retain water. So that is thing for me to do. A smaller bottle may fit vertically upwards if worked nicely. Also strut brace to work out as it no longer fit. But for suburban road is no problemo.
Thank you for your time.
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Captain Scarlet
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Re: Captain Scarlet's Red NA - CAI Pt3 Washing Bottle

Postby Captain Scarlet » Fri Jun 22, 2012 7:14 pm

Here I install washing bottle but not like MX5 Mania instruction sheet. Lose too much water like nervous dog..
I did buy bottle from IL Motorsport. It is Mazda part and cousin to my bottle. But different. Maybe same parent.
The Mazda no is NA01-67-491. Description TANK. But it does not look like tank. Maybe hairdresser bottle.

Here are the two cosins. Old motor installed in new bottle with new seal! Motor still have strong pumping which lady friend approve.
Not approve weak pumping. Very good!

Then did I mount.
Using TEK bolt to secure to plenum wall. Use 2x rubber washer (take one from bolt in packet you buy from Bunnings) and 1x metal to make bottle fast to metal. Find best position for bottle to nestle in. This car has AC so metal pipe is good to guide.
Insurance botttle sit under seal, so closing bonnet does not issue problem.


thank you for your time

Uff-da I forget. Next time fix strut bar! And my car uses less benzine. More kilometr. Also more response. Like young thing.
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Re: Captain Scarlet's Red NA - Install MX5 Mania CAI Pt1

Postby Okibi » Sat Jun 23, 2012 3:12 am

- Edit Okibi - Merged posts 23/6/2012 12:12am WST
If you had access to a car like this, would you take it back right away? Neither would I.

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Re: Captain Scarlet's Red NA - Install MX5 Mania CAI

Postby NitroDann » Sat Jun 23, 2012 4:04 am

Your posts here are my favorite out of everyone.



speed wrote:If I was to do it again, I wouldn't even consider the supercharger.

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Re: Captain Scarlet's Red NA - Install MX5 Mania CAI

Postby Gladiator » Sat Jun 23, 2012 6:34 am

NitroDann wrote:Your posts here are my favorite out of everyone.



Yep have to agree. Informative yet funny.
"I'd rather a bottle in front of me than a frontal lobotomy"

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Re: Captain Scarlet's Red NA - Install MX5 Mania CAI

Postby Lokiel » Sat Jun 23, 2012 2:39 pm

Nice work on the install "walk-thrus". Some of the more experienced members may think they're overkill but there are many who find them useful and may give them the courage to try it themselves - that's how I got started. Pictures make explanations a lot clearer and more interesting. Personally I like to read the tips, "gotchas" and assorted issues that occur since manufacturers usually leave this stuff out, either intentionally, unintentionally or just assume it doesn't need to be stated.

Consider painting the rim of that CAI cut to prevent rust - it wont take long.

With regard to your Ozito drill: I bought a cheap Ozito Impact wrench a couple of years ago and it scared the hell out of me when I first used it since it only has two speeds, off and "ludicrous speed". The "demon" has been sealed in its original box and stored in my garage rafters, never to be used again! My new 18V cordless Ryobi Impact wrench gets a LOT of use, it's great and the speed is controllable via the trigger.

Moral of the story: Don't "cheap out" on tools that you'll end up using a lot, you'll be unsatisfied with a cheap tool and end up buying the more expensive one anyway.

The 18V Ryobi cordless tool range is great since the batteries are interchangeable. Batteries are very expensive so if you stick with the same manufacturer's range, their tools end up being cheaper than individual tools. If you're just starting a tool collection, consider the Ryobi Impact wrench and drill to start with. I also have the Ryobi reciprocating saw, hand vacuum and lamp. I'll probably end up with their angle grinder and sander too since I don't have these tools in my arsenal (don't need the jigsaw and drill since I have a great Bosch jigsaw and Makita drill - though these are corded).
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Re: Captain Scarlet's Red NA - Install MX5 Mania CAI

Postby Aussie Stig » Sat Jun 23, 2012 11:22 pm

Gladiator wrote:
NitroDann wrote:Your posts here are my favorite out of everyone.



Yep have to agree. Informative yet funny.

Obviously fans of Borat.

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