Yep i did the 2nd round of the victorian super sprints yesterday. Managed to win my class (standard 0-1600cc) by 5 seconds and put a lot of other cars to shame in the higher classes. Not bad for an old near standard na6, it even has working a/c. Here is a video of me chasing a sports sedan full on race car in radical class. have started on the door moulds for the c.f car too and should have them finished by the end of the week.
And for anyone interested the mx5 is definately faster with the hardtop off around winton.
And the garage is nearly all lined and insulated.
NA8B - P.I 1:50.1 Wntn1:38.0 Sand1:27.6 Wntn S1:08 Bfrd1:06.9 Cldr1:08.5 Wak1:10.4
"SE" - P.I 1:43.8 Wntn1:32.9 Sand1:22.0 Bfrd1:05.3