Postby xmx106 » Mon May 23, 2011 11:53 pm
When I read filo6667's original post, he likes the way the mx5 handles he's dríven a few stock cars and he asks the question as a neebie to this forum. And we dont know if he can swing a spanner or do up his own shoe laces. The best link for info was the solomiata tunning site, lots of good info, good opening move.
The question asked how do you commonly get more power without spending money (not p,ossible) and is it a mater of engine conversions or turbo charging. The most common method in this case is tubo charging, there is so much info out there on turbo charging an mx5 its rediculous, on engine conversions, not as much but its there you can find it.
In the meantime the thread went off the track and talked about 5 second gocarts and how to remove 20 kg of sound proofing. I can remove 20 kg quicker than that, only keep 20 ltrs of fuel in your tank and that removes the other 25 ltrs and thats at least 20 kg, now this will start a flood of posts, can any of you really say wow I am glad I only have 20 ltrs in the tank today shes going like a rocket !. On the track I could maybe see some difference to a lap time with only half a tank, but on the road ?? and so the same applys to pairing the poor car down to the bone, for a track car yes for a street car no, but up to the individual.
Dann you must have a lot of spare time on your hands and thats a good thing, you can go and push the boundary's, go where no man has gone before and then let us all know if it was worth it.
1990 NA eunos roadster for me, 2007 NC roadster for the misses, missed out on the NB?