MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby hamx5ter » Sun May 08, 2011 5:15 pm

Somewhat late, and much better work from The God Of Thunder already, but here's a link to some of the shots Nazreen & I took along the way.

You can download the pix individually or just browse away... hope there are some decent shots there ... somewhere...

I can post it up here, but not sure how to batch upload files, and wasn't keen on tagging each file.. :shock:

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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby Midori » Mon May 09, 2011 12:03 pm

Well done Deen, your images are fantastic. :)

My feeble effort might have one shot in focus capturing all of what I intended in decent light taken over the bonnet or boot of the car on the road. :oops: For me, the shot going up to the top of Mt Hotham from Danny's Lookout embodies the spirit and drama of the run. :wink:

Even though you are a professional and everyone else keen amateur photographers with assorted equipment and experience, the cream rises to the top even though your skills have been pushed by some great photography all round. :beer:

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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby Hammer » Mon May 09, 2011 1:35 pm

I agree. The shot up the hill from Danny's Lookout is an awesome shot. I'm glad you took photos of that as the one I took was full of glare.

This shot indeed tells a thousand words.

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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby Midori » Mon May 09, 2011 4:34 pm

Gavin :roll: Where are your pics to gazump and trump everyone :?:

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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby Robert » Mon May 09, 2011 5:40 pm

I have started a face book event page for the club The idea it can be used to update an event on the run. With direct upload from camera phones etc other members can see you what is happening.
See how it goes .
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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby Gavin » Mon May 09, 2011 6:57 pm

Love that shot Deen. It belongs on the back of an MX-5 car brochure! I wish i could shoot from the car, but alas i was down one driver. Damn that Danny' Lookout was just an amazing place.

Alright alright, the photos are ready. Hope you like them.
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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby Hammer » Mon May 09, 2011 7:12 pm

Great work Gav.

How do we get Hi-res versions?
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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby Gavin » Mon May 09, 2011 7:24 pm

You ask nicely :wink:

But seriously, I thought someone was setting up a repository to put all the high-res images into one collection?
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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby hamx5ter » Mon May 09, 2011 8:49 pm

What excellent work Gavin... well worth the wait.. :beer: You've done very well to capture so many aspects of the trip; esp. the detail shots of the cars and the food.. well done!

LOL that the shot that everyone likes is the one taken on the fly, waving the camera over the windscreen in the general direction of Mt. Hotham! Even the funky tilt seems quite nice.. On the way back down from the windscreen, the strap chose to wrap itself around my neck! Nooo! .... so much fun when you have a turn coming up :lol:

I love Hammer's panoramics... that sweep thing you were doing with the little Sony cam worked so well.. excellent shots from you all; don't think I'll try and be photographer next time..

consolidating high-res pix - I think the thing to do is to burn a CD/DVD of pix you want to share around and bring it along to the Gerard Sasso Memorial Run and let Midori / Badbong put them together...

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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby PaulF » Mon May 09, 2011 11:24 pm

That photo has been added to my cycle of wallpapers. :)

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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby hamx5ter » Tue May 10, 2011 12:12 am

PaulF wrote:That photo has been added to my cycle of wallpapers. :)

lol... i've pinched Gavin's photos and made a collage for my desktop.. not easy to get me in a photo, but he managed to, and I love the colours... really pleased to have finally done this drive... this was _exactly_ the setting I imagined when I bought hamx5ter (with his rather distinctive colour) :oops:


Thanks Michael for organising this, and Gavin for the excellent work.. (copyright issues notwithstanding)
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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby PB » Tue May 10, 2011 1:43 pm

When is the latest you'd want to head through the Great Alpine Road without the risk of getting snowed in and needing chains?

Did this triip probably 7 odd years ago when Garry organised a similar event. Fantastic drive... even if Garry did kill a couple of birds.
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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby Hammer » Tue May 10, 2011 2:27 pm

PB wrote:When is the latest you'd want to head through the Great Alpine Road without the risk of getting snowed in and needing chains?

Did this triip probably 7 odd years ago when Garry organised a similar event. Fantastic drive... even if Garry did kill a couple of birds.

A few birds were also hit during this trip. I'm sure birds purposely play "chicken" with cars, because there is so much space yet they choose to fly in front of us. :?

As for when's the latest you can drive without snow chains etc...I hazzard to say, now would be the latest - next month is the official start of the skiing season.

Even when we went two weeks ago, we kept a close eye on park road closure annoucements. The National Park and Wildlife office can easily close the roads should conditions get bad.

Whilst it was a little chilly in the mountains, everyone was commenting we are lucky as it was warmer than usual and the weather was fantastic (as can be seen from the photos). We didn't even experience any strong winds at Hotham Heights (Danny's Lookout).

So lucky we were indeed.
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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby Midori » Wed May 11, 2011 8:51 am

Gavin your album is a lay down misere for the best and fairest photographic catalogue of the MX2500 in a field of great photos taken with assorted equipment. :beer: It is hard to say what is the best composed photo overall but you should definitely put your hand up to be a guest photographer for Master Chef the Cook Book. :wink:

The image that will always stay in my mind is still the road snaking up to Mt Hotham of which Deen got in the lucky shot over his windscreen without any glare. I cannot speak for anyone else as I think we all have a favourite, beauty like a photograph is in the eye of the beholder. 8)

I cannot answer for Bad Bong but giving your image to me to burn is not advisable if you want to get them back in a hurry and properly copied. Everyone should bring their high resolution images on a disc to the Sasso Run on Sunday and one of the shutter bugs or IT people can burn a copy for all who would like a keep sake of their run. I could create the cover for the disc but that is the limit of my skill set. :roll:

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Re: MX5 BREAKFAST CLUB - MX2500 - 28 APRIL - 1 MAY 2011

Postby BadBong » Wed May 11, 2011 11:01 am

I'll put my hand up to collate our photos.

Dweezel, Hammer, Hamx5ter and Gavin - if you can all burn your photos onto a DVD or 2 and give them to me on the Sasso run, I'll take it from there.

I was also thinking of selecting 1 or 2 photos to enhance (photo shop work...) and framed. Would some of you be interested in a 'group-buy' like arrangement?

I'm thinking of that photo up from Danny's Look out and a group photo of us all parked side by side - framed in landscape with a very wide frame.

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