How do i edit a video and put onto youtube??

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How do i edit a video and put onto youtube??

Postby lightyear » Sat Jun 13, 2009 7:40 am

Is there some software for a novice like me to edit some in car footage? And also how to post a video here or on youtube. I tried to upload a short vid on youtube and in the end it didn't go thru.
I am using the gopro hero camera.
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How do i edit a video and put onto youtube??

Postby d-mag » Sat Jun 13, 2009 10:36 am

I'm not sure what format the Go-Pro camers records in.

What I did in the past was:

-download Div-x converter
-Convert the video footage to Div-x (drag and drop, couldn't be easier)
-Save file
-Upload to your youtube account

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