jap nb 1.6 wiring diagram ?

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jap nb 1.6 wiring diagram ?

Postby bpt4w » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:16 pm

Ok guys heres a challenge for ya , has anyone seen a 1.6 nb wiring diagram in english ? .
I have looked and looked and i am hoping that it is the same as a 1.8 wiring due to the fact that it has a front cam shaft sensor on it and seems very similar to the 1.8 minus the variable intake, I do have a after market computer (wolf v5) which currently runs the old engine but after purchasing a spare engine a year ago , i recently unwrapped the plastic to find that the engine is a fair bit more modern than my humble old 1989 1.6 (two steps up from cave man), would prefer to wire this engine in properly and not have to do a retro fitting of the older systems, so any advise would be helpfull i guess.

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jap nb 1.6 wiring diagram ?

Postby 93_Clubman » Wed Feb 25, 2009 6:32 pm

NB6 was sold in the UK - tried UK sites? It was also sold elsewhere in Europe.

Not sure if you've seen these posted by a Forumite who put a NB6 into his NA6:


jap nb 1.6 wiring diagram ?

Postby bpt4w » Wed Feb 25, 2009 7:01 pm

thx for that , looks like it won't be to much of a pain if the wiring systems are similar to the 1.8, just have to wire in the cam sensor and rewire the ignition to the wolf and all should be good, just have to find myself a reliable dyno tuner in townsville now.

have a turbo block for this same head sitting in storage till i work all the kinks out and then i will have to fight against the 6 cylinder class in racing up here.

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jap nb 1.6 wiring diagram ?

Postby Okibi » Thu Feb 26, 2009 12:32 am

I think Richard at MX5 Plus in Queensland has done this conversion, might be worth giving him a call.
If you had access to a car like this, would you take it back right away? Neither would I.


jap nb 1.6 wiring diagram ?

Postby bpt4w » Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:34 pm

jeez after finding out that it has solid lifters and better compression im almost tempted to keep it naturally asperated, wonder if i can make it to 8500 rpm :) , no i have been threatening to finish this project for years , ever since i got my inlet manifold extrudahoned 2yrs ago jeez has it been that long , ah well the end is in sight , just need wolf to send my computer back to me after getting a few upgrades done to it.

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jap nb 1.6 wiring diagram ?

Postby SuperMazdaKart » Tue Mar 03, 2009 10:44 pm

You didn't know about the solid lifters when you bought it? haha. I went with the NB6 to get away from damn HLAs, then what happens. I get another car that still has HLAs...


jap nb 1.6 wiring diagram ?

Postby bpt4w » Tue Mar 03, 2009 11:05 pm

nothing wrong with hydralic lifters but they don't really like anything over 6000 rpm so i say that is why they changed them on the mx5's and left them in the 323s, hla's are inherently noisy and don't lend them selves to a quiet drive , but if you are reving the guts out of it who will hear the solids anyway , only thing is they are fiddly to adjust and take a lot of stuffing around with shims to get it right.

for a turbo can which doesn't have to rev i would go for the hla's and anything that needs to go above 6k rpm would go solids.

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