so i snapped my passenger window cable

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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby Jace » Fri Jan 30, 2009 4:19 pm

46˚C here yesterday, and 40˚C here today didn't help.
today at work, just when i was heading out to grab some lunch, i jumped in, started car, hit both window switches because as you probably know, MX5's with black soft-tops + brutal sunlight = ridiculous cabin heat, then SSSNAP, click click crunch crunch, no window movement. getting really sick of this car farking up on me. my '68 mercedes is less temperamental!

so aaaanyway, my passenger window is about a third of the way down.
is getting it up to the top again as simple as removing the door trim and kind of lifting/forcing the window back up?
probably wont do it until tomorrow when the temp drops to 33˚ :roll:, so what's the go with it?
thanks in advance.

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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby GP » Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:01 pm

The window should slide easily if the cable is broken. When the cable went on mine a couple of weeks ago the window dropped to the bottom.
If you kept pushing the switch after it broke the cables would have come unravelled leading to the crunching noises.

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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby Jeo » Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:27 pm

^^^ +1

If you snapped the cable the window *should* fall to the bottom. I've had to tape windows up in the past.

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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby Jace » Fri Jan 30, 2009 5:36 pm

oh really?
well i guess that might be kind of good news. my window hasn't fallen but i did hear some crunching noises?
although i wouldn't rule out me hearing things... :?
going to take a look at it now as it's cooled off alot, i'll let you guys know.

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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby Russellb » Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:41 pm

There are Two (2) cables
One pulls the window down and the Other pulls the window UP
If one breaks the whole system is F##ked

Best to buy and fit 2 new cables from Mazda
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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby Fatty » Fri Jan 30, 2009 8:46 pm

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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby ducktape69 » Sat Jan 31, 2009 6:40 pm

hmmm this doesnt sound like a snapped cable...
i had a very similiar issue last week...
heard a snap and the window was stuck half way.

so i took apart the door trim and after comparing the passenger and driver side doors, there is a little white plastic pin that holds/anchors the power window CABLE to the door metal(next to the inside door handle). this little pin had snapped. i ended up fixing it by 'creating' a new shell for this plastic pin using aroldite(super glue) so it holds to the door metal. and hey presto, after letting the araldite set overnight it was as good as new.

if the cable actually snaps, i believe the window will fall to the bottom of the door.

hope this helps
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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby Jace » Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:07 pm

so turns out the cable's not snapped. it's the little head off the end of it.
much like on a bicycle with pinch breaks, there's a small head clamped onto the end of the cable itself, which locks into place using a small plastic housing for it.
i pulled the window motor anyway. what i'd like to know is whether anyone has installed manual winders?
i hate electric windows, so i'd really love to just ditch the whole idea of having them in my car.
has anyone ever put either JDM OEM winders, or a mongrel mechanism in? i'm thinking that maybe 121 (bubble car) window winders, or something similar, might fit?
the window is cable tied to the top at the moment and i'm not all that bothered about it. but i probably shouldn't leave it like that for too long.

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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby AJ » Sun Feb 01, 2009 6:22 pm

PM Fatty mate, he's done it on his NA6 :)
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so i snapped my passenger window cable

Postby mr_rotary » Mon Feb 02, 2009 9:31 am

Both manual and electric winder assembly's are very similiar. Just take one assembly off and bolt the other straight on. The hardest thing to do is to cut a hole in your trim for the winder spigot! Should only take between 1-2 hours.

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