Postby grump » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:53 am
I used to be the boss of a couple of mates a few years back. They took advantage of my good demeanor and stood around talking most of the time. when i got up them they called me a grumpy barstard. so the name stuck. so after a few years. now in the marine industry if any one in brisbane talks about Grumpy, they all know who it is. about a year ago I started telling everyone that i didn't like the name grumpy. so they started calling me by my name. Graeme. It sounded really weird to them and me, so we all reverted back to grumpy.
When i'm running a multi million dollar project, the owners call me grumpy as well. Although some of them are a bit confused as i'm probably the happiest person to be around.
So Grump it is. hey i'm very comfortable with it now and see it as a term of respect. But as some people will say " don't try and hump the Grump" you might come off worse for wear.
cheers Graeme. ( Grump )
Bond, James Bond. growing old is not an option, growing up is