Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby TieNN89 » Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:11 pm

Question to those that have run a separate speaker wire from there amp to there speakers

How in the world did you get speaker wires between the car body and the door?

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby Juffa » Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:36 pm

Do you have any small children, or have access to some? (legally of course). You will also need small hands that can rotate a full 360 degrees on the end of your arm.

Feeding the wire through the rubber grommet between the car body and door is reasonably easy. I used a strong wire, attached the speaker wires to it and pulled it through grommet. I found the hard part was finding the end of the wire where it feeds into the car body and pulling it through.

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby Fatty » Sun Jan 04, 2009 4:43 pm

couldn't you solder the new wires onto the existing wires in the door, then from inside the car, grab the existing wires and tug them back into the car so that the newly soldered on wires feed thru into the cabin, following the same path as the old wires?

not that i've done this, so it's all guesswork , but it could be an option.

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby Jeo » Sun Jan 04, 2009 5:10 pm

Try tying your new wires to the old and pulling them through. If/when that doesn't work, find something flexible but strong enough to poke through.

I have no idea where it came from but i have a small orange strip of plastic; about 2mm thick, 10mm wide and 40cm long; that I keep around for this very job.

If your really having trouble you can pull the grommet out of one side, hold it straight while you put the wires through, then re-connect it. But in some cases/cars, it actually can be harder to get the grommet back in that it would have been just to put the wire through in the first place.

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby Matty » Sun Jan 04, 2009 7:35 pm

The installer on my NA joined the wires up to the speaker wires behind the head unit. Easy, and no problems with the performance.

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby Jeo » Sun Jan 04, 2009 9:34 pm

You'd have to be pumping a fair amount of power through the speakers and have significantly better than average ears to be genuinely able to hear the difference.

Or you like wank value (not that there's anything wrong with that, I'm a big fan when the mood takes me :) ).

But... If you've already bought the cable I'd sure as hell be installing it. Don't do a half assed job because you can't get it through and teh interwebs said you couldn't hear the difference anyway.
Thicker cable leaves more wiggle room if something does go wrong, looks cooler, sounds better (just not very much), etc...

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby TieNN89 » Sun Jan 04, 2009 10:19 pm

no i haven't bought the wires yet

nor have i bought the amp yet :oops: :oops:

but just to get myself ready

it sounds like the NAs don't have a plug

cause mines got a plug on the loom on the body side :(

but my backup plan was to run the wires back behind the headunit and just wiring it into that

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby Alex » Mon Jan 05, 2009 5:28 am

Yep the NB's have a plug so you can't simply shove a wire through, there are a few spare slots in the plug so if you have some spare time you can run wires through the plug used the spare holes or drill a hole where the unused slots are then push a wire through (I think MXHEVN did this)
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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby crzymx » Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:04 pm

The nb is a big pain in the ass. I had to give up on this job with my alarm, and just shove the wires through a little gab where the hinge is and tape them. Getting the wire on one side of the gromet is one thing, actually being able to see the other end is another.
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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby TieNN89 » Sat Jan 10, 2009 7:32 pm

Alex wrote:Yep the NB's have a plug so you can't simply shove a wire through, there are a few spare slots in the plug so if you have some spare time you can run wires through the plug used the spare holes or drill a hole where the unused slots are then push a wire through (I think MXHEVN did this)

i can't do this :(

just had a look

i have wires going thru it for my alarm

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby OHPLEZ » Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:12 am

the easy way out is going straight in to the back of the unit into the factory loom just make use you havnt also got the connection from the unit in the loom connected as well other wise ull get your self a nice fire works show
if your still stuck with this pm im more then happy to help out

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby SPy vs. SPy » Wed Mar 25, 2009 12:51 am

The head unit in my old car used to feed out to a bazoooooka amp in the boot which then fed "monster cable" back into the speakers.

Except when some low life flowering stunt broke into said car and stole all of the above, revealing that the monster cable fed back behind the head unit and was then bodgied onto existing loom that ran to the doors. This was made even more painful when the head unit they had fitted had more killer wasps than the bazooka amp in boot :shock:

If you can hear the difference with the roof off at 110kmh playing some sh*t converted from reality to an mp3 back to something else and back to an mp3 via a FM transmitter off of a 2gb Ipod then all power to you.

Personally I wouldn't bother, I'd use the existing wiring via the least intrusive method possible.
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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby Garry » Wed Mar 25, 2009 7:58 am

After my experience trying to feed wires through a door plug system similar to the MX5 in one of my old cars I decided to splice into the existing loom at the back of the head unit when I installed the amp in the MX5. Running wires through those NB door plugs is a right PITA and best left for someone else to do if you really want it done. It's not such a hard job on an NA but still fiddly and you need very small hands that preferably can rotate 360 deg on the end of your arms.
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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby TieNN89 » Fri Mar 27, 2009 12:04 am

I can pull the door plugs fine

easy done

but because the NBs have plugs to attach the door loom to the car loom I had no decent size room to drill a hole for the speaker wire as my d/s has extra wires for the central locking motor for my alarm

so yeah I just wired it to the back into the loom at the back of the headunit

seems to work fine

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Speaker wires AMP to Speakers

Postby Okibi » Fri Mar 27, 2009 1:12 am

Yup, NA is easy, NB is a PITA.
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