People's real names v forum names

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People's real names v forum names

Postby AJ » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:03 pm

Fatty wrote:about time i posted in this thread i guess....

most people know me as fatty. many of my freinds don't even know me real name, which is james. i also get called jim, jimmy, jimbo, fred (my middle name) . but yeah mostly i get called fatty :lol:

you forgot those other names people sometimes call you as well :P :lol:
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People's real names v forum names

Postby Fatty » Thu Aug 07, 2008 8:14 pm

yeah but i figured i'd keep my post "g-rated" :lol:

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People's real names v forum names

Postby sliq » Fri Aug 08, 2008 1:39 pm

welcome to the forum, jimmy :lol: jks
i can't brain today.. i have the dumb..


People's real names v forum names

Postby wyldfella » Mon Aug 11, 2008 11:47 am

wyldfella (was mixing up random names years ago to make a username, saw a viagra on telly moments before this name was created) :mrgreen:
a.k.a ben, benjamin ( if im in trouble) and benn (with two n's)


People's real names v forum names

Postby Silo.Granados » Fri Nov 14, 2008 7:25 pm

Not to worry about mine that would be my real name to begin with.

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People's real names v forum names

Postby stilletto_rebel » Wed Nov 19, 2008 8:02 pm

My real name is Miles. Actually it's my surname, but it's the moniker I generally go by.

Stilletto_Rebel is an old army nickname, and I suppose I could tell you the story...

I was on a hand-to-hand armed and unarmed fighting course and had been teamed up with the hulk's anaemic bigger brother - this guy was huge! (I'm only 5'4" and 9.5st). The excerise was that I would attack him face-on with my little rubber knife and aim score a 'hit' but as soon as I was within arm's reach he just picked me up by the belt and the scruff of my neck and just throw me away! After two or three of these I was feeling somewhat worse for wear and wishing the knife was real!

Then it was his turn to attack me with the little rubber knife... as he approached I quickly undid my belt (we were training in full combats) and swung it at him, the buckle end flying close to his head. My priority was keeping him out of arm's-reach and the buckle connected with him a few times! The training sergant soon saw what I was doing and said something along the lines of "calm down there stilleto blade rebel..." and teamed me up with someone more my own size (who still proceeded to kick my arse!). And that's how the nickname of my army life came about!
Last edited by stilletto_rebel on Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:48 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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People's real names v forum names

Postby Szemen » Mon Dec 08, 2008 7:27 pm

Real name is Jason! Getting my MX5 on Wednesday or Thursday =D

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People's real names v forum names

Postby sliq » Tue Dec 09, 2008 12:37 am

welcome to the forum, lurker.

i can't brain today.. i have the dumb..

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People's real names v forum names

Postby Szemen » Tue Dec 09, 2008 10:01 am

ahahah! now I've got an mx-5 no need to lurk~

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Postby blue_na » Tue Dec 09, 2008 11:17 am

Jeo wrote:Real name is Joe

An unfortunate typo on a yr9 assignment lead to much mocking from both students and the teacher. Since it was a IT course I ran with it for the rest of the year and it kinda stuck as my interwebs name ever since.

:lol: I had a similar situation in grade 6, we had to make name cards at the start of the year for the new teacher to learn our names, we spent ages making them colorful and exciting... only to realise at the end that I'd missed the 'H' in Nathan... So I was 'NATAN' for a while... :lol:

blue_na is because my mx5 is a mariner blue na6... very creative, yes I know. :roll: :oops: 8)
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People's real names v forum names

Postby grump » Wed Dec 10, 2008 4:53 am

I used to be the boss of a couple of mates a few years back. They took advantage of my good demeanor and stood around talking most of the time. when i got up them they called me a grumpy barstard. so the name stuck. so after a few years. now in the marine industry if any one in brisbane talks about Grumpy, they all know who it is. about a year ago I started telling everyone that i didn't like the name grumpy. so they started calling me by my name. Graeme. It sounded really weird to them and me, so we all reverted back to grumpy.
When i'm running a multi million dollar project, the owners call me grumpy as well. Although some of them are a bit confused as i'm probably the happiest person to be around.
So Grump it is. hey i'm very comfortable with it now and see it as a term of respect. But as some people will say " don't try and hump the Grump" you might come off worse for wear.
cheers Graeme. ( Grump )
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People's real names v forum names

Postby RedHot-n-Red » Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:00 am

I call my car RedHot-n-Red. This is due to the car being Red, it was Hot as hell when I got the car and well, the car is Red.

BTW, my name is Jeff.

Not sure if I will ever get out that way, but as we say in Texas "Howdy y'all" :mrgreen:

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People's real names v forum names

Postby grump » Wed Jan 07, 2009 5:11 am

Howdy Redhot-n-Red, good to have an American contact, Hope you get our Aussie humour, mind you I think half the forumites are Kiwis
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People's real names v forum names

Postby greyhair » Sat Jan 10, 2009 8:59 pm

I'm Bruce, have trouble remembering all the passwords, PIN's and usernames that you need these days so the Greyhair that sits on my head was easy to remember,
My wife reckons I should be honest and change it to Silverhair

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People's real names v forum names

Postby Samselectrics » Sat Jan 17, 2009 2:23 pm

AJ wrote:
Fatty wrote:about time i posted in this thread i guess....

most people know me as fatty. many of my freinds don't even know me real name, which is james. i also get called jim, jimmy, jimbo, fred (my middle name) . but yeah mostly i get called fatty :lol:

you forgot those other names people sometimes call you as well :P :lol:

He's not aware of some of the names we use. :mrgreen:
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