You sound like you're about 14/10ths
of the way there. I joined and am still a member for the same reason. Motorsport and Cams affiliation. I don't bother with the country runs as I live in Geelong and it's always too far to the start and finish. The speed limits aren't all that attractive either.
We do 10 rounds a year and really is very relaxed with a great bunch of people. I can only suggest to you to save as much as you can on mods and spend it all on going around in circles really fast. a good look through the motorsport part of the website. Under \"what you need\" there are a couple of items out of date. The Cams License is now cheaper and an extinguisher in a road registered car last 6 years.
The next event is a double at Winton. Driver training on the Saturday, a sure way to get that accellerated learning curve and sprint on the Sunday.
Give me a call anytime if you have questions.
(sorry to highjack the thread)
#35 Someone spent billions building these roads and you have to drive on the grass!