Fire Extingisher Mount

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Postby irwin83r » Wed Jan 04, 2006 8:32 pm

if its just a sheet of stainless like the one in the pic i can make them.

anyone have a drawing or able to pull one apart and give me some detailed photos and measurements?

price will depend on mat costs. i'll go to the stealstore and see if i can get trade rates through my firm, if welding is needed i have access to mig, tig and stick but am not a certified welder, and am not a gun welder... so i would rather dodge welding if we can.


Postby ncmx5 » Sun Jan 15, 2006 1:38 am

what would you need to weld? to me, it looks like a simple plate bent at the right angles, drilled at the seat rails, and popped some rivets/bolts to where the bracket for the extinguisher is mounted :D

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Postby irwin83r » Sun Jan 15, 2006 10:38 am

yeah thats what i thought. but somone mentioned some thing about welding..

i dunno, thats why i was wondering if anyone had a pic of one in bits

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Postby Ted » Mon Jan 16, 2006 10:43 am

Haven't looked at the NC, but both the NA and NB need the bottle to sit a bit further forward of the seat frame mounting points. Then there is the matter of the slight rise in the floorpan at this point, and you need to get it as low as possible so that the seat can still slide over the bottle for any shorter drivers etc.

Never considered using plate, wouldn't be that cheap I imagine.
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Postby irwin83r » Thu Jan 19, 2006 5:52 pm

would there be any problems with just using the seat hold down bolts. putting a thin piece of plate between the floor and the seat wouldnt make the seat sit much differently.. and i cant imagine it effecting the safety rateing of the seat mounting

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Postby Red Baron » Tue Jan 24, 2006 6:44 pm

For less than 30 bucks go down to Bunnings, buy a sheet of alloy plate, about 1.5mm checker alloy, you will also need a couple of longer bolts to replace the bolts from the seat. Cut to any shape you like as long as it fits under the seat runners and will take the extinguisher bracket and you have it.

The benefit with thin alloy is that you can force the shape to the floor and when bolted down it will take the shape of the runners.

My exthinguisher sits about 100mm forward so you get full movemnet of the seat and it really does not get in the way for passengers. No probs with scruitineers.

really no point being precious, who looks at the floor anyway.

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Postby DCMau » Tue Jan 24, 2006 9:13 pm

Why buy new bolts when the originals are already longer than the captive nuts anyway. I would be more inclined to buy some locktight so the bolts wont move after they are done up again. I will admit that I have just put mine back in again without using it though.

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Postby Red Baron » Fri Jan 27, 2006 5:58 pm

With mine I needed another 5mm, not enough thread holding for my liking. If yours are ok then no problem

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Postby JBT » Thu Feb 09, 2006 5:51 pm

I just made a firex mounting for the passenger's side (driver's side is wider) from 3mm steel plate. Gawd it was hard to get hold of a small bit of plate without buying a truckload :shock: :evil:

Anyway, finally got a bit cut to my dimensions (roughly I might add) by a small welding shop. I drilled all the holes and painted it matt black. It is very unobtrusive and probably wouldn't even be noticed by 9 out of 10 people. If you don't have the gear to drill holes 12mm holes in steel, make a cardboard template and get the steel man to drill them and your firex mounting bracket holes as well.

This set up only allows about 100mm forward travel of the seat without unclipping the fire extinguisher, but my pax seat has been fully rearward since the car was bought 3 years ago, except to vacuum behind it :roll: .

Here are some pics.......yes the front of the seat runners look like they need some paint and the car needs a bit of a vacuum - bloody flash :evil:

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Postby green_comet » Thu Feb 09, 2006 8:33 pm

I might be able to get some made up if people are interested.... I am already getting Radiator panels made.

So these fire extinguisher mounts should be no worries at all...

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Postby irwin83r » Mon Feb 13, 2006 11:26 pm

thanks JBT and others something to do next weekend if i dont get the exhaust wrap :D

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Postby TonyMax » Fri Jun 22, 2012 6:46 pm

JBT wrote:Anyway, finally got a bit cut to my dimensions (roughly I might add) by a small welding shop. I drilled all the holes and painted it matt black. It is very unobtrusive and probably wouldn't even be noticed by 9 out of 10 people. If you don't have the gear to drill holes 12mm holes in steel, make a cardboard template and get the steel man to drill them and your firex mounting bracket holes as well.

Here are some pics.......yes the front of the seat runners look like they need some paint and the car needs a bit of a vacuum - bloody flash :evil:

Big ups to you for putting up these pics particularly the measurements, we now have one exactly the same in the passenger side of my wife's car ready for Phillip Island next weekend.

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Re: Fire Extingisher Mount

Postby manga_blue » Fri Jun 22, 2012 8:24 pm

CAMS regs for the fastening from the fire extinguisher bracket to the mounting plate specify steel bolts. Here's part of AROCA's scrutineers check sheet for a Vic club day:
AROCA wrote:Check Mounting Bracket
Mounting bracket is metal with at least one metal strap
Mounting bracket, strap and over centre clip is not damaged.
Mounting bracket is secured using minimum of 2 Grade-6 or greater bolts of a minimum 6mm diameter and self locking nuts.
A suitable sized body washer may be required to provide extra support for the bracket.
The securing system must be able to withstand a 25g deceleration.

Rivets or self tappers won't get you through the scrutineers in the Vic events any more. Actually they shouldn't be allowed through anywhere. A loose fire extinguisher is a very lethal weapon.
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Re: Fire Extingisher Mount

Postby JBT » Fri Jun 22, 2012 9:59 pm

No rivets or self tappers used in the mounting system I described above. :?

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Re: Fire Extingisher Mount

Postby manga_blue » Fri Jun 22, 2012 10:39 pm

JBT wrote:No rivets or self tappers used in the mounting system I described above. :?
No, others were mentioning rivets. Just thought it worth broadcasting.
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