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Free tickets to Top Gear Australia as studio audience!

Posted: Thu May 05, 2011 2:43 pm
by BadBong
Hi everyone,

I’ve just received a new notification for another round of free studio audience tickets for Top Gear Australia next Tuesday so I’d thought I’ll share the opportunity.

I’m already going to the one on tonight so I can report back on how it goes.

Naturally, there’ll be a fair bit of waiting time as it takes 4 hours to shoot an hour’s worth of content but my partner and I thought it’ll be a good laugh to actually be IN the show instead of just watching it through the tele all the time ;)

Good luck! (You’ve got to be quick with these tickets)


Re: Free tickets to Top Gear Australia as studio audience!

Posted: Sun May 08, 2011 9:56 pm
by Zohxoco
I’m already going to the one on tonight so I can report back on how it goes.

How did it go? :lol:

Re: Free tickets to Top Gear Australia as studio audience!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 2:02 am
by Okibi
How did it go? :mrgreen:

Re: Free tickets to Top Gear Australia as studio audience!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 8:51 am
by Bizi
Myself and another VW MkV mate (who got me onto the idea of a MX5 track car!) were excited to go to this.

We didn't get inside the studio until 90mins after the stated time in the info and then it took another 20ish minutes, so be prepared to stand around for a couple of hours before anything happens!

During this time, amongst so-called car people, someone parked their Subaru right into the bumper of another car, right outside where all the audience was waiting. Looked like they were trying very hard to cover their embarrassment. ;)

If you want to be 'on TV' obviously you need to be right at the front of the queue to get a ringside spot.
Guys wear some car related top and ladies, look good, for your TV appearance. ;)

The only thing I enjoyed was Andy (yes Hamish's comedy other half) and his great story in the interview chair and deft driving of the crappy ute on the TG obstacle course.

It might be fun if you get there late on purpose (say 1hr later) and cheack it out for a while.

Audience members need to move to make way for rolling cameras and set changes (when cars etc get wheeled in) and at these times you can jockey for a potentially better spot, but you are still unlikely to get in front of the camera unless you fluke it.

Did anyone else bother on the May 5 date and did you stay right to the end, unlike us?

Re: Free tickets to Top Gear Australia as studio audience!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 9:18 am
by Caffeine
Bear in mind the conditions with the tickets state you're not allowed to wear any branding on your clothing.

It isn't very strictly enforced but I saw one guy (dressed from top to toe in outrageously bright ferrari gear) asked to change his shirt and remote his hat.

Re: Free tickets to Top Gear Australia as studio audience!

Posted: Tue May 10, 2011 1:30 pm
by BadBong
Completely agree with what Bizi said.

There was alot of waiting around and it was clear to me that they were disorganised from the get-go. It was 'improvisation central' the whole night as the ice-breaker person on the centre stage tries to fire people up and get them to cooperate with simple instructions.

Besides the interview, every 5mins of filming required 10mins of repositioning and an unknown 15mins of waiting (for what? I've got no idea).

All in all, it was a good experience - I was standing next to an Audi R8 spyder the whole night so at least i had something to look at but if you're under 170cm and you can't make it there within the first 15mins to get a good spot then you might as well wait for the TV broadcast cause you won't see a thing amongst the crowd... :roll: