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Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 10:58 pm
by azza
Hi everyone,

New to the mx5 scene but very excited with my latest pickup, a 2001 Crystal Blue MXB NB8B 6 speed!

Only one dreadful phone pic from the sellers garage for now - full detail planned this weekend if weather improves! :NB8B:


Well okay.. it isn't completely mine, my dad recently lost access to his permanent company car and he can't stand public transport - after a couple of decades in commodore wagons I think the mid life crisis had hit and he wanted to get back into some driver focused and sporty (he used to own and cherish a Fiat 124 sports). He's not the type who spends his spare time on the internet but I might try to get him on here! I will have access to the car on weekends (I am also looking after servicing/maintenance/enhancements), but I already own a lovely RS Clio 182, pictured below, I sense some tough decisions ahead!


Very excited about this car, sitting in it and driving home with the roof down was a fantastic experience, I think I was grinning the whole time :D

After some bartering we got the car for a great price, didn't think we'd be able to get a NB8B in our budget, in saying that though there are some niggles. Paintwork could be better, although its fair for an 11.5 year old car - will probably do a slight cut back with my friends machine. Front bumper could do with respray, decent amount of paint missing behind the numberplate and on lip. The soft top also had a small cut in it, we have done a temp fix with a vinyl repair kit however would like to buy a new mohair one later on.

The car has a good service history, with recently replaced clutch and radiator. It is leaking coolant under the engine block which we've put down to a tired water pump and there is a whiff of fuel in the cabin which we are yet to investigate. Mechanically everything is solid, the previous owner didn't seem like much of a car bloke so I think it's had an easy life so far. The car has 102,000 km and hasn't had its major/belt service, which largely contributed to the cheap price - however looking at parts online, nothing seems too expensive (much cheaper then the Renault!). Thinking of buying ... 2567e851d2 and hunting for some other bits - we will be carrying out the procedures ourself. Would've preferred genuine but I understand some genuine parts are aftermarket anyway. Does anyone have any feedback on this kit and other advice on buying parts online?

I look forward to being an active member in the mx5 scene, hopefully I'll meet some of you soon! Stay tuned for more pics and stories!

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 11:23 pm
by Suspense
Welcome! Nice choice of cars you've got there. When I bought my NB it was a choice between that or a 182 Cup.

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 1:21 am
by Okibi
Welcome :mrgreen:

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:19 am
by de Bounce
Welcome to the obsession - and the MX5 community

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2012 6:26 am
by Kev05
Welcome and good choice of models. NB has to be the best looking of the MX5 range. :mrgreen:

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 8:21 pm
by azza
Thanks for welcomes, spent a fair bit of time on the car this weekend. Firstly the interior was vacuumed and wiped down, the boot was then stripped out in order to investigate the fuel odour. The fuel sender pipe was slightly wet around the rubber boot, this was cleaned up and the clamps were tightened - after a few drives the smell didn't reappear so fingers crossed its sorted (gotta love $0 fixes)! The space saver spare was also taken out and found to have 5psi (max 60 on sidewall).. the rest of the boot was also cleaned up, even if it was only to be covered anyway.. :P

As the cleaning continued we were shocked to find out just filthy she was, the front wings were literally full of soil, twigs and leaves, drain plugs were clunked up, dirt was practically in every nook and cranny :shock: !!

This is what it looked liked AFTER removing most of the garden bed that sat there :?




Stripped down for maximum dirt removal


Air compressor and gurney were indispensible


Complete wash and clean up of engine bay, very happy with end result





Yes I spent 10 minutes polishing the exhaust tip, what of it :P







She's come up like new - no more hints of dirt and grime whatsoever :D , the paint was in much better nick then thought before, it just needed a good wash. The colour has really grown on me too.

Went for a couple of short drives over the weekend, this car is absolute bliss to drive - it feels like you could drive for hours on end and still not want to get out :D

To Do:

* Buy and fit new Mohair roof (second split near rear window found so this has become more urgent - you can see where silicone has been used as a temp fix)

* Fix up front bumper, its condition is fairly poor :frown:

* 100,000km service (parts incoming)

* Full Exterior Detail (clay/polish/wax etc)

* DRIVE more :mrgreen:

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2012 9:38 pm
by Okibi
Massive difference, i'm sure she appreciates your attention. :mrgreen:

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 12:32 am
by Hjt
Did you clean the drain holes, I noticed an image of the location. If not, hot water and a coat hanger can unplug the dirt :D

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:30 am
by de Bounce
The colour changes depending on the light!

I wouldn't use anything solid to clean out the drain holes in risk of damaging the tube or the rubber flap.
There are also some sill drains to clean out.
Have a read here

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:27 pm
by azza
^ Wish I saw this advise earlier, when cleaning the drain holes - first one came out perfectly, could feel compressed air coming out otherside of car, when I went to do the other side I could never feel the air flowing through. Pushed a braided metal hose down there and it just kept going and going without coming out the side. When I dismantle part of the body to swap roof hopefully I can inspect these further?

I think I have about 10 different packages coming in from several countries around the world with mx5 related objects :mrgreen: Since none of it has come as of yet, this weekend I conducted a full detail including clay bar, scratchx, polish and wax. What a TOTAL transformation - the car actually looks a different colour, I clayed everything twice - the lubricant came out brown as I clayed even though I had just washed the car :shock:









To Do:

* Fit new Mohair roof

* Respray front bumper

* Conduct 100,000km service

* Attend MX5 drive (august 4th south run) - hopefully all of the above are done by then :!:

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2012 11:46 pm
by Hjt
Hey mate I'm in Sydney if you need a hand with anything or advice pm me.

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:00 am
by azza
Hjt wrote:Hey mate I'm in Sydney if you need a hand with anything or advice pm me.

Cheers Hjt! Will do.

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 12:05 am
by azza
Oh also wanted to note I used meguiars plastx on the headlights, highly recommended if you have light clouding / yellowing as I had, they now look as new!

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 6:31 am
by de Bounce
azza wrote:Oh also wanted to note I used meguiars plastx on the headlights, highly recommended if you have light clouding / yellowing as I had, they now look as new!

I wouldn't recommend cleaning the headlight with a polish (like plastx) as they are coated with a UV sealant.
Have a read here

Re: Azza's Crystal Blue NB

Posted: Mon Jul 16, 2012 10:34 pm
by azza
de Bounce wrote:
azza wrote:Oh also wanted to note I used meguiars plastx on the headlights, highly recommended if you have light clouding / yellowing as I had, they now look as new!

I wouldn't recommend cleaning the headlight with a polish (like plastx) as they are coated with a UV sealant.
Have a read here

They also use polish in that process? I don't think 400grit sandpaper would do it much good either.. the lights weren't that bad so didn't want to go that route - either way might look at getting some sealant.