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the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Mon Apr 09, 2012 11:51 pm
by tymiata
So I just bought a mx5 finely, been dreaming for ever. So on friday I went and picked up a car I'm sure is known well was up for sale on here for a fair while. its a 1989 :JDM: import. with a 93 moter and gear box. has adjustable cam gears, a toda racing lightened flywheel, and some other bits and pieces at the moment it will be getting down graded to get roady and redgo then it will be getting some improvements any way this is how my jerny started. mainly with inspiration from my best friend and his car. (helping him do most of the mods and driving it)
this is his car.
and now mine. how it used to look
how it looked when i got it.

as you can see i did not get wheels. and if you know the car i also did not get turbo.
so theres a bit of work to be done i have been piecing it back together almost ready to start it up, i need a few bits and pieces
i will be getting a stock manifold on thursday. i need to plug up holes from turbo oil return etc. and find a few more parts i have had some help with roadworthy bits from that same friend with the white mx5like stock wheels with good tread and an airbox and a stock seat for the driver. after i get it started etc i still need to swap gear box as this one is notchy i have replacement, also clutch and the diff that's in it is welded/locker.

so parts that are for sale are toda racing lightened flywheel.
and welded/locker. nb diff. pm with questions etc.
also these mirrors are for sale.

parts i still need if any one has any would help heaps
so need a real roll bar not a style bar witch it already has
need a soft top.
the pole that holds the bonnet open,
i know theres more but i cant think of what. ill update with more

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:06 am
by NitroDann
Yeah I know it was turbo. So you paid 8ish for it? Looks great imo.


Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:40 am
by username
I like Merlot mx5s alot! Interested to see what wheels you end up with

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 12:58 am
by PaulF
I wish they had sold the merlot colour in Australia. Looks awesome.

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 2:00 am
by tymiata
i paid a long way off 8. it was a japan respray sadly so not perfect but for the price itle do just fine. so engine bay is red. and in a few other nooks and cranny's also. at the moment im thinking widened steelies to get me going cheap and then find a set of meshies and flip the dish to make them fit will see about wheels after i get it redgeod, would love a set of work miesters but for the price they wont even fit my flairs properly so will see. still have a bit of work to do before road worthy. ill take more pictures tomorrow, give a better idea of what it has and what needs fixing


Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 1:42 pm
by jorgan92
Hey man, was good to meet you yesterday (?) car looks better than I remember it looking, but DAMN! you need wheels son :P

Also funniest mirrors I have even seen on any car, ever!

Let us know if you ever need a hand your not TOO far away, just get my number off Toby, or PM me and Ill give it to you.

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:35 pm
by tobias
Best friend aye :lol:

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:43 pm
by -alex
orangemx5 wrote:Best friend aye :lol:


Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:52 pm
by tymiata
best friend also my cousin, carlm down

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:54 pm
by tymiata
also you should look at getting your name changed your not really orenge any more

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 3:56 pm
by Jace
in for updates.

whose keto is that ty?

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:27 pm
by tymiata
the ke behind is the guy i bought the car offs other car. its a 4agze at the moment but its getting a ca18de in it soon selling the miata to me was to fund the swap. he takes it to winton a fair bit and drifts it. something more fun about watching an underpowered car drift you need so much more commitment. and went out there for a bit today jacked it up had a look around tried to raise coil overs but its a massive pain to do with out coil over spanners so that will wait put 2 of the mx5 alloys on it now same kinda fitment as before but tires are a little wider.
had a better look at that hole in the sump its gonna need about a 14 mm bolt i think. well im going to my dads house for dinner tonight might raid his bolt collection and see what i can find

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 6:58 pm
by tymiata
so a photo update
after roadworthy ill cut this back and paint it so you can see the gears
oil cooler
the key ring i made today
and my other car

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 7:45 pm
by username
Its kinda nice not being the only one with massive wheel gap :P

And if you are looking for a set already

Re: the soft red, flaired sunken mx5

Posted: Tue Apr 10, 2012 8:03 pm
by Jace
i like that you bothered to fit the hub caps to the daisies.

i have some stock mx5 mirrors you can have and rattle can if you want.