Doug Dangers Nb8b

Chat to do with your MX5/Miata/Eunos Garage Ride(s).

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Doug Danger
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Doug Dangers Nb8b

Postby Doug Danger » Fri Oct 19, 2012 9:52 pm

Hi all, been on the forum a while, in fact a long while. Thought I should put up my first garage thread.

I'll try not to ramble on too much, let's get started.

Growing up in a family of MX5 nuts, my father owning a Malibu gold na6, 'Ric Danger' (Ric Lamont) and my uncle who many of the originals will know 'Slammer' (Steve Lamont) with a red na that was a bullet around wakefield.

Steve's car 'Scooter' was my main inspiration for purchasing my first MX5.

After owning a Daihatsu Applause as my first car, which flew around corners, with no rear seats, custom crappy intake and a straight through exhaust (no cat, resonators or even rear muffler), I thought it was time to move onto something more 'cool' and faster.

So I bought a 180sx...

Turbo, crap tires and coilovers, this car was a blast but unfortunately due to my lead foot and the general cop magnet that it was I thought it was high time I got rid of it before I killed my self, someone else or lost my license. Also a ride in my mates na6 convinced me pretty quickly about my next acquisition.

So, I sold the 180 and bought a red na6.

This car was beautiful. It had its problems but I didn't care, the character of the car kept me blowing more and more time and effort oh and money into it. Until it spun a bearing. After the recent purchase of a shock spring combo, exhaust, new tyres, slotted brake discs, pads etc etc I couldn't afford to have my daily off the road while a new engine was to be put in. So I sold it and bought this :D


So far mods are, bc coilovers, custom 2 1/4 exhaust system and a crappy intake. Not as 'fun' as the na but noticeably faster and a little more grown up which suits my line of work anyway.

So this is how she sits atm with much more to come.
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Re: Doug Dangers Nb8b

Postby PaulF » Sat Oct 20, 2012 2:12 am

Congrats on the new purchase Doug. Many happy k's ahead, I'm sure.

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