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Kings or Whiteline?

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 4:09 pm
by STV
Howdy Folks
just cruisin the mania site last night and i saw how CHEAP the springs are for an NA!!

SO... if i were to replace the springs ONLY, not the shocks, what sort of ride could i expect?
Are there any problems with this setup?

What you you go for... The Kings ($150) or the Whiteline ($145) springs??
and is $150 a reasonable price for installation ??

ps. The car is my daily hack, probably wont hit the track :frown: , but sometimes drĂ­ven moderately hard..

Thanks and regards


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 4:19 pm
by Garry
If you fit lower higher rate springs at worst you need new OEM dampers, better still are dampers with damping that match the firmer springs, ie slightly less compression damping and much firmer rebound damping. Fitting firmer springs to 16yo OEM dampers will not give the optimum result. I think you would spend most of the time bouncing off the bump stops.

You would get a much better outcome keeping the stock springs and fitting new dampers than visa versa.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 7:00 pm
by STV
Thanks Garry..
yeah, i didnt think it was the optimum setup, but i hadnt thought it would be bad..

Oh well... i guess i then save up for either kings and konies or kyb, or eibach..

Just means it is (much) further off, but i guess it would be more worthwhile in the end

Thanks for the heads up... without this place, i would probably have just gone and screwed my car up!


Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 8:51 pm
by Slugoid
From my own experiences with Kings, I find that they are pretty good on track but on the roads they are a tad too harsh. My friend has Whitelines and Koni's on his S13 and they are good on the roads but he says they are still a bit soft on track. If your car rarely visits the track, then I'd choose Whiteline.

OEM shocks and lowered (or spring with a higher rate than std ones) is generally bad. I'd experienced this before and it wasn't nice. Lack of traction, bouncing all over the place and hitting bumpstops. Do it right first time and get better/firmer shocks if you do go stiffer springs.

Posted: Thu Oct 05, 2006 11:54 pm
by STV
i will wait till i can afford the right stuff, and an convince the financ e dept that i NEED it!

thanks for the help guys


Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 12:13 am
by Okibi
Go for the eibach or save a little longer and go teins.

Posted: Fri Oct 06, 2006 10:19 am
by pcmx5
I have had standard springs/Koni;king/koni, Eibach/ koni and by far the best of those combos was the standard springs so I agree with Garry.

The Kings were too harsh and Eibachs too low.

I love my Tein SS's.


Posted: Sat Oct 07, 2006 7:50 am
by STV
so if i did just upgrade the shocks to konis, would the ride be the same height?
is it more controlled with the shocks only changed, and is there a NEED to do the springs as well?

sorry for all the questions... i always thought i would leave the suspension stock, and i am not so sure now :? I

havent done much reading on suspension mods either, so i am not really certain what type of upgrade would suit me..