grazza wrote:manga_blue wrote:Dave wrote:Has anyone tried these??
The kit even includes diff bushes!
Nooooooo! Don't get the diff bushes. Been there. They're horrible.
Is it because they are polyurethane or just that particular brand?
I am thinking of getting my Californian brother to send me the Energy kit, although as the diff bushes were not identified as being needed, I wont get them fitted if they are going to be counter productive.
The problem is the hardness. I don't know if it's only that brand or all poly diff mounts.
When installed you effectively turn the entire boot floor into a giant speaker for everything that happens in the whole drivetrain. You can hear the diff, the halfshafts, the rear wheel bearings, all the gears and bearings in the gearbox, even the cams and valves in the engine. They're all amplified together into this huge cacophony of ugly harsh noise. They take around 4 hours to install, but only 3 hours to remove and throw away. Throwing them away was the only good part of my whole experience with them because they definitely gave no gains in any other way.