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Reinstalling heater and air con (NB8B)

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 10:26 am
by greenMachine
OK, I am could do with some tips about getting the air con and heater in, and connected without much leakage.

The issue is the connection between the air con unit and the heater. It is a strange shaped lightweight fibre thing, which I can't seem to see just how it fits in without leakage (or fits at all). The difficulty stems from the pipes of both units, which have to fit through smallish openings in the firewall. Doing one is pretty straightforward, but the second, and the connector, is where things break down.

Anyone done this?


Re: Reinstalling heater and air con (NB8B)

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 11:07 am
by 93_Clubman
GM, hopefully enough info, pics & similarity in this Garage 'Installing Air Conditioning in '99 Miata' article:

Re: Reinstalling heater and air con (NB8B)

Posted: Tue May 10, 2022 3:51 pm
by greenMachine
Thanks Clubman, close, but not quite close enough - the relevant photo caption says something like 'its hard to see, but the triangular sealing band is back here :lol: .. It seems from the parts list that the joiner for USDM is different, or perhaps there was a running change made some time. My joiner is not adjustable like the joiner shown there which seems to have a clamp arrangement at the top. Likewise (though not relevant to my question) the firewall opening is different.

I am thinking I will look for some light gauge flexible tubing of the appropriate diameter, and secure it with long cable ties ... or maybe even make my own out of rubberised cloth :idea: !
