trader wrote:Just got back from US. In Alberta they dont have front number plates. Dont know what argument was used there to get rid of them. Then again saw very few MX's.
That applies in a lot of the states of the USA.
In fact, if you buy a new car, you can drive away in it in just a few minutes of organising the finance, and then the dealer puts on a cardboard "plate" with the dealers info on it (like an ad), and you can legally drive it around like this until your real number plates arrive a couple of weeks later.
We could really learn a few things from the US as far as cars go.
Many dealer service centres are open 24/7, and many car dealers are open until midnight most nights too.
You can walk into a dealer at midnight, pick a car from their stock (and they usually have hundreds of new cars in stock) and drive away in under an hour!
Not like here where you have to wait a couple of days.
I went to a BMW dealer in LA once, and they had a 10 acre holding yard just behind the dealership, and it was full of the entire BMW range, in all colours and various options and every car was ready to drive away immediately!
I also went to a Lambo dealer there, and they had every model in every colour in stock!
Not like here where they might have one new car and a couple of used cars.