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Are the floor pans of an NA6 the same for RHD and LHD?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:57 pm
by ASE05
I was just cleaning out TheMissus car and the last 19 years have taken their toll on her (the car, not TheMissus :mrgreen: ). We're in the process of slowly restoring her and one of the items on the list is to replace the boot and interior carpet.

I haven't found anything locally, and there's some gear from the states but I dunno if carpet for LHD would fit? Obviously the heel pad thingy would be on the wrong side but otherwise?

Other than that, how would NB boot and interior carpet go?

Thanks yall :wink:

Are the floor pans of an NA6 the same for RHD and LHD?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 5:59 pm
by Fatty
try james at the mx5 centre in melbourne, if richard up there doesn't have anything.

failing that should have what you need, and will fit properly. i doubt LHD carpets are the same, but i'm just making an educated guess.

Are the floor pans of an NA6 the same for RHD and LHD?

Posted: Fri Jan 16, 2009 6:01 pm
by ASE05
we're lookin' to get new carpet or stuff out of an NB if it'll fit properly...

Are the floor pans of an NA6 the same for RHD and LHD?

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 2:42 pm
by ASE05
anyone know for sure if they are the same? I haven't been able to find anything

Are the floor pans of an NA6 the same for RHD and LHD?

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 6:43 pm
by Woo
If it's any help, the floor mats from a US (LHD) NB do not fit an Aus NB. The transmission tunnel has a kick that makes it asymetrical
The boot may be ok. Why not (for the boot) use your old carpet as a template and get new carpet cut?

Are the floor pans of an NA6 the same for RHD and LHD?

Posted: Fri Jan 23, 2009 7:04 pm
by ASE05
^^I didn't even think about that^^.

I reckon it's safe to say that they are different!

Thanks Woo!

Next thing to consider would be carpet outta an NB. I saw a thread a while ago on here but can't find it again. I think that the NB carpet will fit but they don't have the holes for the seatbelts and there was something else but can't remember. Anyone shed some light on this for us?